
text : Unknown
art: John Catchpole
"Adam Eterno rose groggily to his feet.It was always the same
, he thought , wearily brushing the back of his hand across his brow. Always the same bone - aching exhaustion and fatigue.
Once more he had been hurled out of the incredible whirling maelstrom of time and space - that indescribable dimension of
total chaos to which , after each adventure on Earth , he found himself banished , there to be tossed this way and that in
a shambles of crashing stars. Now once again , he was free of it. He didn't know why it happened ; nor did he know how
it happened. It just happened. It was inevitable. He was vaguely aware that some monstrous Fate guided his actions...that
he was sent to aid those in distress or in need of succour , in every era of time - from the dim recesses of the forgotten
past to the far - flung future. And he knew of course , that it was the sorceror's curse , all those centuries ago ,
that had thrust him into this bizarre and dangerous half - life. He smiled grimly at the thought - it was not exactly true
to say that his life was dangerous. For was he not incapable of being killed? Was he not...immortal? Then he shuddered
, and his eyes glowed with a strange fire. No...not quite immortal! One thing could slay him...one thing could end his astonishing
existence. Gold! A fatal blow from a weapon made of solid gold! This had been the final part of his dying master's
curse when Adam had quaffed the fatal draught - the forbidden elixir of eternal youth - in the blazing inferno of the sorceror's

"Where was he? He must get his bearings...find out what task he
had to perform...who he had to help." The author draws upon an interesting condition of the Eterno condition. He never knew
what time he was in and was never given a mission. He had to find out both by himself! ( Some writers would actually state
the year in the opening frames of the weekly strips later on. ) Adam found himself in a snow storm. Again , the author
plays on the sense of fear and unknowing . "Where was he? He could be anywhere. There was no clue in the landscape , nor in
the trees that grew up the slope from him. Suddenly , he tensed. A faint howl echoed across the silence. And another. And
yet another. Wolves! That meant he was somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere , surely. Canada , perhaps , or Russia. He turned
towards the trees and began to move up the slope , plodding through the thick drifts , until he suddenly stopped dead and
grunted a surprised oath." As the storm subsided , Adam heard the wolves cries grow louder and nearer. Before he knew it ,
he was overcoe by a mad pack of snarling wolves. Only his super human strenght enabled him to throw them clear. By the end
of the fight , the wolves had turned and fled , save for one who was now dead. Suddenly , from out of nowhere , an Englishman

