13th Apr 2009
Welcome if this is your first visit to the Adam Eterno site! If
you are a regular viewer , then you will know how much we have achieved over the last few years. As you may know , we ran
into a little trouble with our database for the Valiant run , but all scans to date have been re-upped and properly named...phew!
So we are now progressing along with upping the remainder of the stripography. Above me , you may notice a certain grinning
skull? That is where we keep our message archive to store previous years worth of announcements. So if you fancy a little
bit of site history , then click on yonder skull and read on. Don't forget the coffee! On another note , we are striving to
complete the new look and feel of the site as time permits. You may notice some subtle changes to many if not all pages dotted
around the site. These are almost completed and then a few re-writes to wrap things up nicely.
19th Jan 2009
Well,we are forging ahead with the new design for the web site.
Hope it meets with your approval! Still a bit to do as you will see but all indications are that it will be done very soon.
Any comments or suggestions are always welcome. Chat soon. By the way,one important change...Ye History and Ye Creators pages
are no more. Instead I will be focusing my energies on combining the data from the two into a new page-Ye Musings which is still very much under construction. I had been planning to
do this for a while now and am starting it in piecemeal fashion.
16th Jan 2009
If you're a regular visitor to the Adam Eterno web site,then
you will probably already begin to notice a few changes.Most are cosmetic,such as the use of colored tables and new font,some
other pages will in time be collated with others and entirely new features will see the light of day.I hope this will
make for easier reading and better consumption by the fan and the casual visitor alike.So if you like what's going on,drop
by the the Ye Scribes guestbook page and leave a few words.Or better yet,why not pop on over to the Discussion Group and join like minded fans for a chat about all things Eterno!