Adam Eterno


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TOM KERR was asked to draw the first strip based on his experience as an artist and to help launch the strip with a recognisable style for the launch issue of THUNDER. COLIN PAGE then went on to draw the rest of the strip being gradually phased out in preference for the SOLANO LOPEZ STUDIO towards the end of THUNDER's run. This studio would then produce the bulk of the artwork for the LION run and on into the VALIANT years. It is widely believed that JUAN GIRALT took over drawing duties towards the end of the comics life before it teamed up with BATTLE the week after OCTOBER 16TH 1976 sans AE!

***All of the artists for both the WEEKLIES and SPECIALS/ANNUALS have been identified except for "The Goblin Crown" from Thunder Annual 1973***




THUNDER No.2-16 & 18 & 20 - COLIN PAGE

THUNDER No.17 & 19 & 21-22;
LION Complete Series/
VALIANT ( Almost Complete Series ) - SOLANO LOPEZ STUDIO

VALIANT ( Later Series ) - JUAN GIRALT



TOM KERR  Famous for drawing the very first ever episode of Adam Eterno(and his last one!) back in 1970! "Kerr was represented by B. L. Kearley in the early 1960s and probably only rarely met with his editors which perhaps explains why nothing is known about him." - steve holland



COLIN PAGE  Succeeded TOM KERR immediately after the first episode as Series Artist only to be dropped for SOLANO LOPEZ. His style gave us a muscular more youthful AE that was very different from what came before and what was to come after!




FRANCISCO SOLANO LOPEZ is an Argentinian artist ( helped by his studio who would draw over his rough drafts , due to his heavy workload , in the process creating a dark gritty look to the strip ) who took on the mantel of Adam Eterno in the "VIKINGS" episode in Issue 17 of THUNDER on 6th FEBRUARY 1971 and continued as the main artist for all the LION run and the bulk of the VALIANT run. His interpretation of Adam Eterno is perhaps the definitive one for the character!Below is a list of some of his works down through the years,mostly for British comics:

Kelly's Eye for KNOCKOUT comic ( July 1962 - May 1974 )( written by TOM TULLY )
Galaxus for BUSTER comic ( June 1969 - April 1972 ) ( written by TOM TULLY )
Janus Stark for SMASH comic ( March 1969 - May 1974 )( written by TOM TULLY )
Nipper for SCORCHER & SCORE Comic ( June 1971 - Oct. 1974 ) ( written by TOM TULLY )
El Ethernauta ( ARGENTINA ) - ongoing series.

*SOLANO is still drawing today only this time as an Erotic Artist :-)



JUAN GIRAULT It is widely assumed that this Argentinian Artist completed a lenghty run of AE strips towards the end of VALIANT as a comic and indeed the character of Adam Eterno. His art style is more fluid than Solano Lopez studio though no less enjoyable for it. No information to date has been found concerning him.




Below is a list of all the Artists who contributed to the Specials/Annuals featuring Adam Eterno strips. The Text stories contained spot illustrations sometimes full page in size. As can be seen , from 1976 onwards I.P.C. employed reprints culled exclusively from SOLANO LOPEZ! The second table below shows who drew what and when.



The Butler & The Robot - Lion Holiday Special 1971- ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST - TED KEARON

The Golden Sword of Vartzberg - Thunder Annual 1972 - ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST - ERIC BRADBURY

Atlantis - Lion Holiday Special 1972 - ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST - ERIC BRADBURY

The Goblin Crown - Thunder Annual 1973 - ( ORIGINAL ) -  ARTIST - ???

Ulric the Terrible - Thunder Annual 1973 - ( ORIGINAL/TEXT ) -  ARTIST - TED KEARON

The Ghostly Legion - Lion Holiday Special 1973 - ( ORIGINAL ) -  ARTIST - LOPEZ STUDIO

Francis Drake - Thunder Annual 1974 - ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Leaping Terror - Thunder Annual 1974 - ( ORIGINAL/TEXT ) -  ARTIST - ERIC BRADBURY

Origin-Lion Holiday Special 1974 Rpt Thunder story 01  ( remastered ) - ARTIST - TOM KERR / COLIN PAGE

Switch In Time - Lion Annual 1975 - a 2-part Spellbinder cross-over ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST - LOPEZ STUDIO ( Spellbinder by GEOFF CAMPION )

The Curse of the Bradshaws - Lion Holiday Special 1975 - ( ORIGINAL/TEXT ) - ARTIST - JOHN CATCHPOLE

The Golden Talisman - Valiant Summer Special 1975 Rpt Thunder story 05 - ARTIST - COLIN PAGE

The Gold Key of Dundee / Tay Bridge Disaster - Lion Annual 1976 - ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

Black Bedlam - Lion Annual 1976 - ( ORIGINAL/TEXT ) -  ARTIST - JOHN CATCHPOLE

The Gold Mines of Endless Toil - Valiant Annual 1976 ( ORIGINAL ) - ARTIST -  IAN KENNEDY

Baron Draxa - Valiant Summer Special 1976 Rpt Lion story 03 - ( ORIGINAL ) -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Vikings - Lion Annual 1977 Rpt Thunder story 08 -  ARTIST  -  LOPEZ STUDIO

Pompeii - Lion Annual 1977 Rpt Thunder story 12- ARTIST - LOPEZ STUDIO

Belak the Sorcerer - Valiant Summer Special 1977 Rpt Lion story 19 -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Incas - Lion Annual 1978 Rpt Lion story 01 ( remastered ) -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Raven - Lion Annual 1978 Rpt Lion story 04 ( remastered ) - ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

Rikki Delgano - Lion Annual 1978 Rpt Lion story 05 - ARTIST - LOPEZ STUDIO

The Pirate Island - Valiant Annual 1978 Rpt Lion story 14 - ARTIST - LOPEZ STUDIO

The Marsh Monster - Valiant Summer Special 1978 Rpt Lion story 16 -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Neanderthals - Lion Annual 1979 Rpt Lion story 08 - ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Hound of the Hellibores - Valiant Annual 1979 Rpt Lion story 20 -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

The Missing Spacemen - Valiant Summer Special 1979  ( ORIGINAL ) -  ARTIST - 

The Raven - Lion Annual 1980 Rpt Lion story 04 (remastered) - ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

Grunn the Grim - Lion Annual 1980 Rpt Lion story 02 -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO

Baron Draxa - Valiant Annual 1980 Rpt Lion story 03 -( remastered ) -  ARTIST -  LOPEZ STUDIO




IAN KENNEDY drew the only full color AE strip ever! This was "The Gold Mines of Endless Toil" which appeared in Valiant Annual 1976.




ADAM ETERNO was reprinted in JANUS STARK for 10 years. He would feature on the cover up to 20 times in full color original drawings. Below are the two artists we have been able to identify.



GUIDO ZAMPERONI ( b. 21/7/1912, Italy ) All that is known of this Italian Artist is that he drew color covers for JANUS STARK of Adam Eterno for Issues 8 and 16.




ENZO CHIOMENTI was an Italian Artist more commonly known as Enzo , even Chiom was apparently born circa 1930 who worked on many FRENCH and GERMAN BDs , drawing the covers for JANUS STARK #6, #14, #21, #28, #29, #32,#36, #37, #39, #40,#42, #48, #50, and #51 featuring our hero Adam Eterno in full colour. It is not conclusively known if he redrew any scenes inside to flesh out the original panels to fit in with the particular format.